September 6, 2012

7th of 8 Theater J illustrations

In April, I was hired by Theater J to create 8 illustrations; one for each play in their 2012-2013, taking over for Waltz with Bashir art director and illustrator David Polonsky. Because of time issues, I was asked to create line drawings with some shading instead of paintings.

The seventh play of the season is Andy and the Shadows by Ari Roth:

"A family comedy with Freudian hallucinations and pre-marital angst by Theater J’s Artistic Director and award-winning playwright. Andy Glickstein is the son of Holocaust refugees who fears he can't get married because he hasn’t suffered enough. His family's gathered on the South Side of Chicago to celebrate his engagement to clear-headed Sarah, but party preparations are interrupted as Andy is pulled by memories and pre-adolescent enchantments of his mother's bath-time stories recounting her dramatic escapes from the Nazis. Andy's search for his duendé—the Spanish expression of soulfulness and tragic ecstasy made popular in Ernest Hemingway novels--leads him to make a movie mythologizing his mother's triumphant legacy and, when that fails, his father's unsung Zionist heroism, but he ultimately finds more meaning in a jar of jam and a hospital bed that sleeps two. Winner of the Streisand Award for Playwriting, by the author of Born Guilty and Love and Yearning in the Not-for-Profits."

Rough Sketch
Final Line Drawing
Final Illustration
(graphite and colored in Photoshop)

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